Kati-Scarlett Bed & Breakfast
Home | Accommodation | Our Guest Rooms | Rates & Policies | Our Location

Rates & Policies

The Rates:
Slingle: $45.00 / Night
              $280.00 / Week
Double: $55.00 / Night
               $345.00 / Week
Private bath when available

A 50% deposit is required five days in advance. We accept cash, check or money order, sales tax included

We will reture your deposit only if cancellation is made within 10 days prior to your intended arrival...

Sorry we cannot accommodate your pets, our Yorky Pretty Baby and our granddaughter cat Boo Baby would be jealous.

Check in time After  4:30 pm
Check out time By 11:00 am
For your health and ours we request there be no smoking.

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Kati-Scarlett B&B 1037 N. Main Street P.O.Box 756
Lapel, IN 46051
                    Phone :  (765) 534- 4937